Saturday 13 June 2009

SATURDAY 13th JUNE 2009.

Slide over night as morning’s noise is due
And ancient spinning industries await
The music of its overture anew.

The tap of heavy laboured boots approve
Once woken by the milkman and his crates
Slide over night as morning’s noise is due

And churchmen send bell notes to fill their pews
With stragglers haggling whether to debate
The music of its overture anew.

The birr of hidden wings sounds the review
Amidst the busy eyes of dawn’s estate
Slide over night as morning’s noise is due.

Some slumber takes a while to be removed
From children flouting daybreak’s wake who hate
The music of its overture anew.

But time must have its way and quickly too
And dark’s finale settles to its fate
Slide over night as morning’s noise is due,
The music of its overture anew.

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