Friday 5 June 2009

FRIDAY 5th JUNE 2009.

Before a cracked back has the chance to lay
Me over the coals of its broken bones
I’ll grant my wildest lust
Its final wish:

To end upon the bunkered sands that slipped
Time’s ship and congregated on this
Crescent stretch to attract
Wrecks like me,

And paddle through the rock pools of the damned's
Hospitality in the company of creatures
Cancelled from reality’s
Current guest list.

Wade out waist deep to where the secret thermals
Leave, and sinners drift without fear
Of purifying lines angling
Them out.

Then shoulder the surge to swim simply under the
Current’s steam surrounded by offenders
And their eternal

Eventually reaching a central crown that rises
With the drowned races of history
Scattered across
Its beach;

To stay and caper with my fellow travellers
Until our combined crimes sink
The island once

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